“A Reply to Mr. C.S. Lewis’s Argument that ‘Naturalism’ is Self-Refuting,” Socratic Digest 4:2 (1948), 7-16.
“The Reality of the Past,” in Max Black, ed. Philosophical Analysis (New York: Ithaca, 1950), 36-56.
”Note,” Mind 60 (1951), 584. [With Rush Rhees and G.H. von Wright]
"Letter to the Editor," Der Monat 43 (1952), 97–98.
”Note on the English Version of Wittgenstein’s Philosophische Untersuchungen,” Mind 62 (1953), 521-522.
”The Principle of Individuation,” Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, suppl. vol. 27 (1953), 83-96.
”Misinformation: What Wittgenstein Really Said,” Tablet 17 Apr. 1954, 373.
”The ‘Tractatus’ of Wittgenstein,” Tablet, 15 May 1954, 478-479.
”Aristotle and the Sea Battle,” Mind 65 (1956), 1-15.
”Intention,” Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 57 (1957), 321-332.
”Report on Analysis 'Problem' No. 10,” Analysis 17 (1957), 49-51.
”Notes and News,” Journal of Philosophy 54 (1957), 484.
”Names of Words: A Reply to Dr. Whiteley,” Analysis 18:1 (1957), 17-19.
”Does Oxford Moral Philosophy Corrupt the Youth?” Listener 57 (14 Feb. 1957), 266-267, 271.
”Modern Moral Philosophy,” Philosophy 33 (1958), 1-19.
”On Brute Facts,” Analysis 18:3 (1958), 69-72.
”Pretending,” Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, suppl. vol. 32 (1958), 279-294.
”Mr. Copi on Objects, Properties and Relations in the ‘Tractatus’,” Mind 68 (1959), 404.
”We Understand the Word ‘Red’ by Seeing What is Common to a Number of Red Objects,” Journal of the Philosophical Association 6:21 (1959), 1-4.
“War and Murder,” in Walter Stein, ed. Nuclear Weapons: A Catholic Response (Burns & Oates, 1961), 43-62.
”On Sensations of Position,” Analysis 22:3 (1962), 55-58.
”Authority in Morals,” in John M. Todd, ed. Problems of Authority (Darton, Longman and Todd, 1962), 179-188.
”The Two Kinds of Error in Action,” Journal of Philosophy 60 (1963), 393-400.
”Substance,” Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, suppl. vol. 38 (1964), 69-78.
”Before and After,” Philosophical Review 73 (1964), 3-24.
”Thought and Action in Aristotle: What is Practical Truth?” in J. Renford Bambrough, ed. New Essays on Plato and Aristotle (Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1965), 143-158.
”The Intentionality of Sensation. A Grammatical Feature,” in R.J. Butler, ed. Analytical Philosophy - Second Series (Blackwell, 1965), 158-180.
”Retractation,” Analysis 26:2 (1965), 33-36.
”Necessity and Truth,” Times Literary Supplement, 14 February 1965, 26
”Contraception and Natural Law,” New Blackfriars 46 (1965), 517-521.
”A Note on Mr. Bennett,” Analysis 26:6 (1966), 208.
”The New Theory of Forms,” Monist 50 (1966), 403-420.
”On the Grammar of ‘Enjoy’,“ Journal of Philosophy 64 (1967), 607-614.
”Who is Wronged? Philippa Foot and ‘Double Effect’,” The Oxford Review 5 (1967), 16-17.
”You Can Have Sex Without Children: Christianity and the New Offer,” in L.K. Shook, ed. Renewal of Religious Structures: Proceedings of the Canadian Centenary Theological Congress (New York: Herder & Herder, 1968).
”Parmenides, Mystery and Contradiction,” Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 69 (1969), 125-132.
”On Promising and its Justice, and Whether it Need be Respected In Foro Interno,” Crítica 3:7-8 (1969), 61-83.
”Causality and Extensionality,” Journal of Philosophy 66 (1969), 152-159.
”On the Form of Wittgenstein’s Writing,” in Raymond Klibansky, ed. Contemporary Philosophy: A Survey, vol. 3 (La Nuova Italia, 1969), 373-378.
“Contraception and Chastity,” The Human World 7 (1972), 9-30.
”On the Nature of Justice in a Trial,” Analysis 33:2 (1972), 33-36.
”Hume and Julius Caesar,” Analysis 34:1 (1973), 1-7.
”On Justice in a Trial,” Analysis 34:1 (1973), 32.
”Comments on Professor R.L. Gregory’s Paper on Perception,” in Stuart Brown, ed. Philosophy of Psychology (Macmillan, 1974), 211-220.
”Discussion,” in Stuart Brown, ed. Philosophy of Psychology (Macmillan, 1974), 231-244.
”Memory, 'Experience' and Causation,” in H.D. Lewis, ed. Contemporary British Philosophy, fourth series (Allin & Unwin, 1974).
”Times, Beginnings and Causes,” Proceedings of the British Academy 60 (1974), 253-270.
”’Whatever has a Beginning of Existence must have a Cause’: Hume’s Argument Exposed,” Analysis 34:5 (1974), 145-151.
”Comment,” in Stephan Körner, ed. Practical Reason (Blackwell, 1974), 17-21.
”The First Person,” in Samuel Guttenplan, ed. Mind and Language (Clarendon Press, 1975), 45-65.
”Subjunctive Conditionals” Ruch Filozoficzny 33:3-4 (1975), 305-312.
”Soft Determinism,” in Gilbert Ryle, ed. Contemporary Aspects of Philosophy (Oriel Press, 1976), 148-160.
”On the Hatred of God,” Theology 79 (1976), 131-132.
”The Subjectivity of Sensation” Ajatus: Yearbook of the Philosophical Society of Finland 36 (1976), 3-18.
”On Frustration of the Majority by Fulfilment of the Majority’s Will,” Analysis 36:4 (1976), 161-168.
”The Question of Linguistic Idealism,” Acta Philosophica Fennica 28: 1-3 (1976), 188-215.
”Will and Emotion,” in Roderick M. Chisholm, ed. Die Philosophie Franz Brentanos (Rodopi, 1978).
”On the Source of the Authority of the State,” Ratio 20 (1978), 1-28.
”Rules, Rights, and Promises,” Midwest Studies in Philosophy 3 (1978), 318-323.
”Chisholm on Action,” Grazer Philosophische Studien 7-8 (1979), 205-213.
”Prolegomenon to a Pursuit of the Definition of Murder: The Illegal and the Unlawful,” Dialectics and Humanism 6:4 (1979), 73-77.
”Under a Description,” Noûs 13 (1979), 219-233.
”Understanding Proofs, Meno, 85d9-86c2, continued,” Philosophy 54 (1979), 149-158.
”What is it to Believe Someone?” in Cornelius Delaney, ed. Rationality and Religious Belief (University of Notre Dame Press, 1979), 141-151.
”On Humanae Vitae,” in Joseph Santamaria and John Billings, eds. Human Love and Human Life (Polding Press, 1979), 121-127.
“La filosofía analítica y la espiritualidad del hombre,” Anuario Filosófico 13:1 (1980), 27-40.
”The Early Theory of Forms” in From Parmenides to Wittgenstein: Collected Philosophical Papers Volume 1 (Blackwell, 1981), 9-20.
”Events in the Mind” in Metaphysics and the Philosophy of Mind: Collected Philosophical Papers Volume 2 (Blackwell, 1981), 57-63.
”Faith” in Ethics, Religion and Politics: Collected Philosophical Papers Volume 3 (Blackwell, 1981), 113-120.
”Commentary on ‘Ethical Problems in the Management of Some Severely Handicapped Children’,” Journal of Medical Ethics 9 (1981), 122-123.
”A Theory of Language” in Irving Block, ed. Perspectives on the Philosophy of Wittgenstein (MIT Press, 1981), 148-158.
”Action, Intention and ‘Double Effect’,” Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 56 (1982), 12-25.
”Morality,” in C. Marneau, ed. Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice (1982), 16-18.
”On the Notion of Immaterial Substance,” in Mary O’Hara, ed. Substance and Things. Aristotle’s Doctrine of Physical Substance in Recent Essays (University of America Press, 1982), 252-262.
”Por qué la prueba de Anselmo en el Proslogion no es un argumento ontológico,” Anuario Filosófico (1982), 9-18.
”Opening Address,” in W. Leinfellner, E. Kraemer, and J. Schenk, eds. Language and Ontology: Proceedings of the 6th International Wittgenstein Symposium (HolderPichler-Tempsky, 1982), 26-28.
”On Private Ostensive Definitions,” in W. Leinfellner, E. Kraemer, and J. Schenk, eds. Language and Ontology: Proceedings of the 6th International Wittgenstein Symposium (HolderPichler-Tempsky, 1982), 212-217.
”The Causation of Action,” in Carl Ginet and Sydney Shoemaker, eds. Knowledge and Mind: Philosophical Essays (Oxford University Press, 1983), 174-190.
"Sins of Omission? The Non-Treatment of Controls in Clinical Trials," Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Supplementary Volumes 57 (1983): 223-227.
”Some Reminiscences of Wittgenstein from Littlewood’s Papers per Dame Mary Cartwright,” The Cambridge Review, July 1984, 129.
”Paganism, Superstition and Philosophy,” The Thoreau Quarterly 17 (1985), 20-31.
”Why Anselm's Proof in the Proslogion is not an Ontological Argument,” The Thoreau Quarterly 17 (1985), 32-40.
”Truth: Anselm or Thomas?” New Blackfriars 66 (1985), 82-98.
”Were you a Zygote?” in A.P. Griffiths, ed. Philosophy and Practice (Cambridge University Press, 1985), 111-117.
”Gradualness in a Law, and a Law of Gradualness,” Anthropos 2 (1986), 183-186.
”Knowledge and Reverence for Human Life,” in Russell Hittinger, ed. Linking the Human Life Issues (Regnery, 1986), 170-178.
”Twenty Opinions Common Among Modern Anglo-American Philosophers,” Persona, veritá e morale (Città Nuova Editrice, 1987), 49-50.
”Descartes and Anselm,“ in Jerzy Perzanowski, ed. Essays on Philosophy and Logic (Jagiellonian University Press, 1987), 15-18.
“Existence and Truth,” Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, New Series, 88 (1987): 1-12.
”Elementos y esencias,” Anuario Filosófico 22 (1989), 9-16.
”The Simplicity of the Tractatus,” Crítica 21 (1989), 3-16.
”Von Wright on Practical Inference,” in Paul Schilpp, ed. The Philosophy of Georg Henrik von Wright (Open Court, 1989), 377-404.
“A Comment on Coughlan’s ‘Using People’,” Bioethics 4 (1990), 60.
”Why Have Children?” Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 63 (1990), 48-53.
”Truth, Sense and Assertion, or: What Plato should have told the Sophists,” in Ewa Zarnecka-Bialy, ed. Logic Counts (Kluwer, 1990), 43-46.
”On a Queer Pattern of Argument,” Harry Lewis, ed. Peter Geach: Philosophical Encounters (Kluwer, 1991), 121-135.
”La esencia humana,” Rafael Alvira and Alejo Sison, eds., El Hombre: Inmanencia y Trascendencia (Universidad de Navarra, 1991), 3-15.
”Wittgenstein: Whose Philosopher?” A. Phillips Griffiths, ed. Wittgenstein: Centenary Essays (Cambridge University Press, 1991), 1-10.
”Embryos and Final Causes,” Jacques Follon and James McEvoy, eds. Finalité et Intentionalité: Doctrine Thomiste et Perspectives Modernes (Éditions Peeters, 1992), 293-303.
”Practical Truth,” Ruch filozoficzny 49 (1992), 30-33.
”Verité et raisonnement pratique,” in Barbara Cassin, ed. Nos Grecs et leurs modernes (Seuil, 1992), 393-401.
”On Wisdom,” Acta Philosophica 2 (1993), 127-133.
”Knowledge and Essence,” Josep-Maria Terricabras, ed. A Wittgenstein Symposium, Girona 1989 (Rodopi, 1993), 29-35.
”The Origin of Plato’s Theory of Forms,” in R.W. Sharples, ed. Modern Thinkers and Ancient Thinkers (UCL Press, 1993), 90-98.
”Russelm or Anselm?” Philosophical Quarterly 43 (1993), 500-504.
”Was heißt beraten?” in H. Thomas and W. Kluth, eds. Das Zumutbare Kind: Die zweite Bonner Fristenregelung vor dem Bundesverfassungsgericht (Busse-Seewald, 1993), 211-218.
”Ausprache,” in H. Thomas and W. Kluth, eds. Das Zumutbare Kind: Die zweite Bonner Fristenregelung vor dem Bundesverfassungsgericht (Busse-Seewald, 1993), 238-258.
”Practical Truth,” Working Papers in Law, Medicine and Philosophy, No. 1 (University of Minnesota, 1994).
”Cambridge Philosophers II: Ludwig Wittgenstein,” Philosophy 70 (1995), 395-407.
”Philosophy, Belief and Faith,” Priest and People 9 (1995), 387.
”Die Wahrheit ‘Thun’,” in M. Crespo, ed. Menschenwürde: Metaphysik und Ethik (Universitätsverlag C. Winter, 1998), 57-60.
“Making True,” in Roger Teichmann, ed. Logic, Cause & Action. Essays in Honour of Elizabeth Anscombe (Cambridge University Press, 2000), 1-8.
”Grammar, Structure, and Essence,” Areté 12 (2000), 113-120.
”Wahrheit, Sinn und Handlung,” Aletheia: An International Yearbook of Philosophy 7 (Peter Lang, 2002), 11-20.
”How Can a Man be Free? Spinoza’s Thought and that of Some Others,” Aletheia: An International Yearbook of Philosophy 7 (Peter Lang, 2002), 21-30.
Human Life, Action and Ethics: Essays by G.E.M. Anscombe (Imprint Academic, 2005)
Edited by Mary Geach and Luke Gormally
1. Analytical Philosophy and the Spirituality of Man [originally published 1982]
2. Has Mankind One Soul? An Angel Distributed Through Many Bodies [originally published 1986]
3. Human Essence
4. Were You a Zygote? [originally published 1985]
5. Embryos and Final Causes [originally published 1992]
6. Knowledge and Reverence for Human Life [originally published 1986]
7. The Dignity of the Human Being
8. Chisholm on Action [originally published 1979]
9. The Causation of Action [originally published 1983]
10. Practical Inference [originally published, as “von Wright on Practical Inference,” 1989]
11. Practical Truth [originally published 1993]
12. Does Oxford Moral Philosophy Corrupt the Youth? [originally published 1957]
13. Modern Moral Philosophy [originally published 1958]
14. Good and Bad Human Action
15. Action, Intention, and ‘Double Effect’ [originally published 1982]
16. The Controversy Over a New Morality
17. Must One Obey One’s Conscience?
18. Glanville Williams’ The Sanctity of Life and the Criminal Law: A Review
19. Who is Wronged? Philippa Foot on Double Effect [originally published 1967]
20. Prolegomenon to a Pursuit of the Definition of Murder: The Illegal and the Unlawful [originally published 1979]
21. Murder and the Morality of Euthanasia
22. Commentary on John Harris’ ‘Ethical Problems in the Management of Severely Handicapped Children’ [originally published 1981]
23. Sins of Omission? The Non-Treatment of Controls in Clinical Trials [originally published 1983]
Faith in a Hard Ground: Essays on Religion, Philosophy and Ethics by G.E.M. Anscombe (Imprint Academic, 2008)
Edited by Mary Geach and Luke Gormally
1. What Is It to Believe Someone? [originally published 1979]
2. Faith
3. Prophecy and Miracles
4. Hume on Miracles
5. Paganism, Superstition and Philosophy [originally published 1985]
6. On the Hatred of God [originally published 1976]
7. On Attachment to Things and Obedience to God
8. Twenty Opinions Common Among Modern Anglo-American Philosophers [originally published 1987]
9. The Immortality of the Soul
10. Transubstantiation [originally published 1974]
11. Authority in Morals [originally published 1962]
12. On Being in Good Faith
13. Morality [originally published 1982]
14. Sin
15. Two Moral Theologians
16. Contraception and Chastity [originally published 1975]
17. On Humanae Vitae [originally published 1979]
18. Address to Clergy: On Contraception and Natural Family Planning
19. Contraception, Chastity and the Vocation of Marriage
20. The Early Embryo
21. The Moral Environment of the Child
22. Christians and Nuclear Weapons Designed for the Destruction of Cities
23. Simony in Africa
24. Philosophers and Economists: Two Philosophers’ Objections to Usury
25. On Wisdom [originally published 1993]
From Plato to Wittgenstein: Essays by G.E.M. Anscombe (Imprint Academic, 2011)
Edited by Mary Geach and Luke Gormally
1. The Origin of Plato’s Theory of Forms [originally published 1993]
2. On Piety, or: Plato’s Euthyphro
3. Plato, Soul, and ‘the Unity of Apperception’
4. Why Anselm’s Proof in the Proslogion is Not an Ontological Argument [originally published 1985]
5. Russelm or Anselm? [originally published 1993]
6. Truth: Anselm or Thomas? [originally published 1985]
7. Truth: Anselm and Wittgenstein
8. Anselm and the Unity of Truth
9. How Can a Man Be Free? Spinoza’s Thought and That of Some Others [originally published 2002]
10. Hume on Causality: Introductory
11. Frege, Wittgenstein and Platonism
12. On Russell’s Theory of Descriptions
13. Ludwig Wittgenstein [originally published 1995]
14. The Simplicity of the Tractatus [originally published 1989]
15. Wittgenstein’s “Two Cuts” in the History of Philosophy [originally published, as “Opening Address,” 1982]
16. On the Form of Wittgenstein’s Writing [originally published 1969]
17. A Theory of Language? [originally published 1981]
18. Wittgenstein: Whose Philosopher? [originally published 1991]
19. Was Wittgenstein a Conventionalist?
20. Wittgenstein on Rules and Private Language [originally published 1985]
Logic, Truth and Meaning: Writings by G.E.M. Anscombe (Imprint Academic, 2015)
Edited by Mary Geach and Luke Gormally
An Introduction to Wittgenstein’s Tractatus [reprint of 3rd edition, originally published 1971]
1. Belief and Thought
2. Grounds of Belief
3. Motives for Beliefs of All Sorts
4. Thought and Existent Objects
5. Knowledge and Essence [originally published 1993]
6. Grammar, Structure and Essence [originally published 2000]
7. Private Ostensive Definition
8. Kripke on Rules and Private Language [originally published 1985]
9. Truth, Sense and Assertion
10. ‘Making True’ [originally published 2000]
11. Existence and Truth [originally published 1988]
12. Existence and the Existential Quantifier
13. On a Queer Pattern of Argument [originally published 1991]