Legal Humanities
How can law — its substance and practice — help us to become more fully human? What might happen if legal structures and institutions were envisioned as instruments not only for justice but also for mercy and forgiveness, reconciliation and community?
The Legal Humanities program seeks to explore the relationship between law and the good life.
What can wisdom of the past and present offer to us for addressing the legal challenges of today, both at a personal and systemic level? How might we begin to formulate, as a community, what it would mean to be a good lawyer?
Collegium’s Legal Humanities Project draws together faculty and students to explore these questions and more as they together envision a human-centered approach to justice and the law through the Legal Humanities Fellowship Program.
Legal Humanities Fellowship Program
The Legal Humanities Fellowship program, which debuted in Spring 2020, invites an intimate cohort of fellows to participate in six discussion seminars that explore the relationship between law and the good life. Each session is co-facilitated by academics and professionals in law, history, and philosophy. By the end of the semester, fellows produce a statement of academic findings and/or vocational discernment. To learn more about each semester of the Fellowship, click one of the buttons below.