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Philosophy of Time (Food for Thought Module VI)

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“What, then, is time? If no one asks me, I know; if I wish to explain to him who asks, I know not.”


In this series, we will take a look at this most elusive of philosophical subjects: time. While time seems so obvious and we so clearly dwell in time, it remains hard to pin down just what exactly time is and where time resides. We will consider a few options, particularly exploring whether time is best understood as an essential feature of the physical universe and so best numerically measured or whether time is best understood as a reality of our mind. When we think of time, are we physicists or students of the soul? In both scenarios, we will explore this as the ultimate question: ‘What should we do with the time that we have?

Facilitators for this series include Terence Sweeney (Collegium Institute’s Theologian-in-Residence), Eammon Hart (Doctoral Candidate in Drexel University’s Mathematics Department and Collegium Institute Graduate Fellow), and Nicholas Teh (Associate Professor of Philosophy at the University of Notre Dame).

Dates: Wednesdays, April 7, 15, & 21

Time: 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM Eastern Time

Readings & Videos:

RSVP: Click the button below to RSVP. The Zoom information will be sent out to students who register using this form. This seminar is open to current undergraduate and graduate students only. Please only register if you are a student.

April 7

UCD Newman Centre Annual Lecture featuring Peter van Inwagen

April 8

Probing the Shallows of the Unknown: A Magi Project Evening Conversation